GNAP: A Conversation of Authorization

Justin Richer
3 min readOct 9, 2024


After five years of standardization work, GNAP is now officially RFC9635! This long and intense process actually started a few years prior to that, when I was talking with a lot of folks in the security industry about some of the shortcomings of OAuth 2.0, and what we could do about them as an industry. These conversations led to the XYZ proposal (and implementations) which eventually led to the formation of the GNAP working group along with a bunch of others. In particular, the work that Fabien Imbault, Yaron Sheffer, Leif Johannsen, and Aaron Parecki put into the documents and conversations in the working group over these years.

I’m really proud of what we’ve built in GNAP. One of the core tenets of GNAP was to look at the world of OAuth and surrounding technologies and figure out how we could do a lot of that better. It’s been great to see GNAP getting applied in a bunch of places over the web, from payments to key management, and especially in places where OAuth doesn’t reach as well. While OAuth remains deeply entrenched over the world, and likely will be for some time, the community has learned many things from GNAP. Alot of things that started in GNAP have been making their way back to the OAuth ecosystem in some form.

The most obvious of this is RFC9396: OAuth Rich Authorization Requests. This replacement of OAuth’s scope parameter was a direct and intentional backport of what became GNAP’s resource access rights, which also acronyms to RAR. In the OAuth world, we don’t get some of the clean features of GNAP, like being able to substitute strings for objects as a shorthand, but a lot of the core enhancements are there.

We’re also seeing yet another intent registration addition to OAuth 2 (on top of the pushed authorization request, device grant type, and CIBA extensions), and this one mimics a lot of the flexibility of GNAP’s interaction system. It’s a more narrow use case in the OAuth specification, but it’s clear that the pattern that GNAP was built on is here to stay.

And then there’s RFC9421: HTTP Message Signatures. This is work that started independently from GNAP but grew up around the same time, and GNAP utilizes HTTP Message Signatures as a core security function. I don’t think we’d have gotten the signing spec to be as robust as it is without some of the GNAP key proofing use cases driving the discussion.

And finally, the GNAP Resource Servers document has just passed IESG review and is on its own way to becoming an RFC as well. This document represents key abstractions in how and RS and AS relate to each other, and I hope we can continue to build this out and pull the best ideas out into the world.

The GNAP working group is shutting down now that its core work is done, but GNAP is far from over. I look forward to seeing it grow into its spaces, and serve as a beacon of how a delegation protocol can be engineered and built.



Justin Richer

Justin Richer is a security architect and freelance consultant living in the Boston area. To get in touch, contact his company: