Making Bubbles: Re-connecting

Justin Richer
4 min readSep 6, 2024


If a set of accounts live in isolation forever, what happens to those accounts only matters within that isolated system. But when we make a bubble in our federated network, we aren’t just making a stand-alone system that can go live in a fully disconnected state. Over time, we expect things to re-connect, and when that happens, data needs to be harmonized across the boundaries.

So many bubbles, so many connections

Data Synchronization

When multiple independent systems live together in the world and share data, inevitably that data is going to get out of sync. In a purely heirarchical system, we’re mostly concerned with building a consensus around the correct state of the shared data. We see this approach in distributed ledger systems, where nodes eventually come to a common view of what the shared state of the world ought to be.

But we don’t have that in a bubble-based architecture, because we don’t expect everyone to have the same view. Instead, we expect many different independent views to contribute to each other in a distributed fashion. This effectively means that for each bubble, it can send updates in and out to other systems. In most cases, there is a directionality to the data flow: one side is going to be treated as more authoritative than the other for a given context. What a bubble does when it’s on either end of that gap changes how we view the synchronization.

Account Updates From Above

When changes are pushed to us from an authoritative source, the simplest thing is to overwrite everything. After all, if it’s authoritative, why wouldn’t we just take that statement as truth? But the reality is that we’ve likely augmented our record of that user with additional details, overrides, and other localized changes that we don’t want to lose.

Local data (blue) shadows updates from the source (orange), in some cases

In these cases, we can shadow the data. In other words, we keep a copy of the source’s data separate from our own local view. When we get an update from that source, we can update our copy of the source’s data with wild abandon. We can then decide, by local policy, whether we want to adjust our overrides based on the update. Importantly, this decision is separate from accepting and processing the updated data from the source. This setup allows us to keep local information in the bubble at the same time that we sync from elsewhere.

Account Updates From Below

An authoritative bubble is sometimes going to want to pull updated information from the bubbles that live downstream. These are systems that we’ve sent accounts out to, and those systems might have something to tell us about our users. Maybe there’s an additional accreditation that’s been earned, or something to represent additional access details outside of our bubble, or even just an update to one of the core fields we sent down.

In any case, the downstream bubble is sending us additional data about a user, and we now have the chance to do something about it. If nothing else, we can store it and note it. If we want to, we can update the user’s record that we hold locally, and even go so far as to propagate that downward again to other bubbles.

Changing Trust

It’s not just user data that we can pass around, though that’s the most common piece we’d expect to see. The bubbles can also pass about other bubbles to each other, and incorporate what they learn into their own systems.

For many situations that fit the bubble architecture patterns, we expect to meet new peers in the field and make new decisions based on local context and requirements. These newly-discovered bubbles can then be propagated through the network, along with potentially interesting information about what the presenting bubble trusts it for.

Audit Logs

Now that we can identify users and the systems they come from, we can start to do one of the most interesting and perhaps complex jobs of a reconnected bubble: audit logs. When a bubble gets provisioned, that provisioning authority is likely to want to know what happens in that bubble during the disconnected spells. The bubble can package up the relevant audit log history and pass it along to the authorities that need it.

But auditing can go further than that: for any user that enters our bubble from somewhere else, we probably want to report back to the system that sent them to us. Since we know where we originally learned of them, and we know how to identify that system as a whole, we can filter and target the information we’re sending over. And we can do this while processing the updates they’re sending us about the account.


The bubble pattern sits between the always-connected and always-separate models, but the moment of reconnection gives us a profound opportunity to process user and trust data in ways that we may have never considered.



Justin Richer

Justin Richer is a security architect and freelance consultant living in the Boston area. To get in touch, contact his company: